Our Story
How We Began
After years of mission trips to Haiti, Zambia, and the Middle East, Dwayne Brothers and several other friends decided that they wanted to do more than visit. They desired to see more sustainable good. After discussions with village leaders in Zambia where many families struggled with lack of resources to send their children to school, The Love-Hope Project was conceived. In 2011, The Love-Hope Project was formed to impact the next generation by developing leaders and programs that would share Jesus' love in tangible ways, both locally and globally.
Locally, we have sponsored reading camps with refugee families in our community and also partnered with local schools to give away books and teach leadership principles.
Globally, we work in Zambia, Africa. Currently, we support over 100 students with school tuition, supplies, books, and clothes in order to be successful in school. Most of these students would have no opportunity to attend without support. We also drill clean water wells in local communities close to where our students are raised. We have drilled numerous wells that serves 100's of families with clean water.
Our Core Values
Christ centered - The motivating reason for all our work will be the love of Christ that brings hope to the world.
Equipping Leaders - We will raise up passionate and faithful leaders to address the needs of our world.
Compassion - Our work will be saturated with hope for the forgotten and the vulnerable.
Awareness and Understanding - We strive to break down barriers between cultures, classes, ethnicities, etc.
Next Generation - We intend to involve young adults in order to equip them for leadership and service.
Partnerships - We value partnerships with churches, organizations, businesses, and schools in order to better serve our world.
Our Leadership
Dwayne Brothers - Director
Tom Anderson - Board Member
Tim Baldridge - Board Member
Kathy Brothers - Board Member
Casey Stitcher - Board Member
Shawn Wilkinson - Board Member